A Study in Scarlet (Illustrated Classic) Sherlock Holmes Graphic Novel - And I had such high hopes for this!

A Study in Scarlet (Illustrated Classics): A Sherlock Holmes Graphic Novel -  Arthur Conan Doyle

I can't say anything about the conversion of Doyle's text to comic book form, because I really didn't get far enough to really evaluate it.

I couldn't take the illustrations. The artist's style was so bad (in my opinion) and so bizarre that I could not focus. I haven't had such trouble since the Artemis Fowl Graphic Novel and I was able to work through that after a bit of trouble. This was impossible to get into and I couldn't make myself stay past eight pages. I love the original text and I just couldn't take it.

I'm sad, because Sherlock Holmes graphic novels are a great idea and I was over the moon at the thought of how good this would be.

Very disappointing.