Doctor Who: The Silent Star Go By - 12th Doctor, Amy, and Rory in a very Whovian Christmas tale

Doctor Who: The Silent Stars Go By - Dan Abnett

This should have been a two-part episode!


Ok, review done.


Seriously, though, this has to be one of the best media tie-in books I've read and if you look at my shelves, that's saying something. Rory, Amy, and the Doctor are their usual selves; quipping, alluding, and running gagging (I know that's not a phrase but I fits) their way through another dangerous, scary, and exhilarating adventure. The set up for the book is quite unique, each chapter is titled by verses from well-known Christmas carols. While Doctor Who Christmas specials have become a common  theme, the story is woven well with Christmas cheer, Winter not-so-Wonderland, and Ice Warriors.


So festive!


Once again, the Doctor is called on to save a group of threatened people, once again few listen with lives being endangered as the result, and once again there is far more going on here then meets the eye. I thought I had the story figured out by p. 189 but i quickly learned I had only scratched the surface of the iceberg. The pace was fast but there was time for character development of both well known and original as well as details that brought the world to rich and extremely cold life. It also has a well put together plot. As a slightly longer book than some I've read, this was given a chance to expand and develop a more complex plot that only added to how enjoyable the book was.


All in all, a joy to read, though one that will send you scurrying for a warm throw as you brave the bleak mid-winter with the Doctor and his companions.



Reading Progress (from GR)


11/22/2013 p. 169/55% - "Now this is more like it! So far I'm really liking this story...definitely more than The Dalek Generation."


11/29/2013 p. 304/100% - "Finished. Still unable to post. Review to follow."