The Problem Child (The Sisters Grimm, Book 3) - Not bad; Jabberwocky makes everything better...or worse
My reviews for The Fairy-Tale Detectives and The Unusual Suspects.
Warning: While there are no unmarked spoilers for this book in the review, I'm assuming you've read the previous two by what I mention.
With the cliffhanger from the previous book, I was glad I grabbed this one from the library as well. As the story is told from Sabrina's POV, the book starts when she opens her eyes from her faint last book. Little has changed and she and Puck must try and survive as the Jabberwocky attacks. Even in print, reading "JABBERWOCKY!" is scary; I'm sorry!
While Sabrina may have lost some of her anger problems after Rumpelstiltskin's actions int eh last book, there are new issues for her to deal with. For the first time, we really see people use magic and find it's not all it's cracked up to be. Sabrina is one of those unfortunate people who learn by burning their hand on the stove, but she does seem to learn. This time around, she definitely gains some wisdom.
Granny Relda really makes you question at times in this book, which I haven't really done yet, but gain, she knows what she's doing. We find out more about the sad back-story of the Grimms' life; this family is not prone to happy times apparently. Mr. Canis' fate bothers me a good deal; he's my favorite character in this series bar none.
(show spoiler)
All in all, an interesting addition to the series. The ending event is rather sad, though Sabrina shows some real growth this time. Our group looks to have an interesting adventure in the next book!
Note: As stated in the review for The Unusual Suspects, I had not originally intended to read these for the February Wimpy Challenge but they fit. I still mean to read the Star Trek graphic novels.