Personal Challenge 1: Discworld Death Novels


Discworld and I have an odd relationship. I've always meant to read the books...but never sat down and tackled the large series. But I keep finding the fringes of it. First it was The Amazing Maurice YA book. Then it was the Hogfather movie (which I love) followed by the Soul Music animated show. I've even seen the picture book about the Cow.


So this year, it's time. I've been told that despite my preference, you really shouldn't read in order but by the collections about specific groups and people. Therefore, I'm starting with people I know I like: Death and his granddaughter Susan. Anyone who'd like to join me, I'd be glad to have you. Just let me know in the comments section.


I've created a Reading list for this, it can be found here.


Discworld Death Novels: