So, we should be in the home stretch. I've read that this is to be the final arc of the series and while I really enjoy this manga, I think it's best to leave them still wanting more than begging you to end. (I'm looking at YOU Inuyasha!) But then I reached the end of this and died a little inside. It's not going to be easy, is it Julietta Suzuki? Just when things were looking so well. 
NOTE: As this is Vol 18 and takes place just after an arc ended, there are MAJOR SPOILERS ahead. Consider yourself warned.
So Nanami has returned from time traveling (the right way, not crazy jumping down wells for this chick. And a closed time loop to boot, I love this series) and everything is great. Tomoe's curse is lifted, he's confessed his feelings for her, and our dear shrine god
even has the chance to finally go on a school trip. So perhaps no one should blame her for wandering through life looking like this.
Except that she's failing school and also seems completely oblivious to the fact that Tomoe and she are COMPLETELY NOT COMMUNICATING! Dear lord, it's pathetic. I want him to sit her down and explain to her (in small words as apparently she can't get the memo) that the snake is not okay and she needs to ignore basically everything he says. Argh. Mikage isn't much better, at times he really comes through and others he just watches with this knowing smile on his face. Grr.

However, there are several touching moments. Tomoe works to learn English and other problematic areas as he's now committed to living with her in the human world. His tenacity urges Nanami to reciprocate and when these two click, it's beautiful.
However, there is no rest for the wicked, therefore there's no rest for them either. Kirihito (Akura-oh) is stepping up his efforts to gain his true body from the land of the dead as the borrowed human body is failing. Because of this (and Nanami's admittedly recurring idiocy) the group, and especially Ami, are pulled into a dangerous situation. Nanami's secret and the truth of what Tomoe, Kurama, and others comes out and by the time the volume ends, things are looking very dicey.
(show spoiler)
Hopefully the wait for 19 won't be as long as this one.