Pocket Book # 7: Star Trek II Wrath of Khan Novelization: Where has this been all my life?!

*4 Stars*
Really 3.5+ but worth the round up.
There are brief mentions about events in the second and third TOS movies. If you haven't watched them (which I find hard to believe as I would assume you are a TOS fan to be reading this review), you have been warned.
*The Gush*
It's really simply. THIS EXPLAINS THE MOVIE!
All the places that made no sense. All the things that lowered my appreciation of the movie because 'it' made no sense! Don't get me wrong, this is one of my all time favorite movies in the Star Trek universe, but parts just made me mad. Now, I understand what they were trying to say but either cut a key scene or wanted you to read between the lines but you were just never sure.
Example: Saavik and David's relationship. This actually takes place more in the Search for Spock novelization but does also have bearings here. In the movie, the actors seem to be working towards or have a relationship but no mention is ever made of it by ANYONE! I thought either a) I was reading subtext in that wasn't there or b) the chemistry between the two actors was such that the subtext was there. I didn't know until reading this book that they SUPPOSE to be together and apparently that was simply cut from the two movies. Which I find stupid because it explains EVERYTHING! Why he sacrifices himself for her, why they seem to move together in tandem, why their arguments seem less like debates between scientists and more like people who can and do hurt each other. Yeah, two seconds longer of film and everyone would UNDERSTAND! Thanks a bunch.
The depths the novel is able to go with the characters and the circumstances really works here. Khan's second in command, who always seemed to be less then completely on the same page turns out to...not agree with Khan but does what he says because of his loyalty to him. He is developed wonderfully and you see a group of people who are led to destruction because of their love and loyalty to a madman rather than a bunch of evil people. Depth, gotta love it. Spock's death and people's reactions to it (particularly Saavik's) are really fleshed out here. Here the novel works with the movie. It is true at times that a picture is worth a thousand words. The death scene in the book is adequate but it is clear they expect you to have seen the movie. And you can see it as you read the scene. Kirk's grief, which is touched on a good bit in the movie is further fleshed out very well, too.
*The Negative*
Surprisingly little here. My issues were more with the quality of my copy of this (rotten and difficult to read) than the actually story. My biggest issue would be a few (like maybe two) scenes where the character of Kirk did things not really in character, but they were mercifully short and easy to overlook.
If you've seen the movie, READ THIS! Like right now. Explanations are wonderful things.
Note: Is that cover not one of the most psychedelic images? I love how Khan's head floats...not menacingly over the shoulder of Kirk and Spock.