Cress - What a great book in the series...wait, Winter comes out WHEN?!

These books just keep getting better and better. Cinder was a good start and Scarlet showed the author's growth. I thought this book would be good but, in my mind, nothing could beat Scarlet. And while the previous book will probably remain my personal favorite, Cress blows the rest out of the water when it comes to story.
First though, lets talk about the latest Sailor Scout Mercury...Cress. A Lunar shell, she's been locked into a satellite by a witch...with a b (lol) and becomes their number one hacker, espionage, and technological wizard. We actually briefly 'met' her in the first book, when she gave Cinder information to try and protect Kai at the Ball. Now we learn she's masked their location and is anxious to give more aid. However, this is a fairy tale retelling and we all know what's going to happen to her and her 'prince'. Come on, you can't even say it was obvious, more like a forgone conclusion. An 'old' friend returns and the moment we've long been waiting for finally arrives. Hang on folks, the story is going from Zero to Sixty!
And that is what makes this story slightly above even Scarlet. While the second book almost seemed like an interlude, albeit a necessary one, the third one is rocketing us to the conclusion. Cinder is gathering her forces, gathering information, and finally making her plans to stop Levana (who I still call Queen Beryl at times when I can't remember her real name!). There's action, tension, fear for characters' safety and so much more. Yet, we also get to know our characters better and see them change and pull on their chosen (and un-chosen) mantels.
If these books keep getting better, I can't imagine what Winter will be like and I can't wait to find out. For people who've read the previous books, pick this up right now. If you haven't, go back and read the first two and enjoy a great series.
The rest is for my personal notes and anyone whose read this book:
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